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About Historic Mount Olivet Cemetery

Est 1854

History and Heritage

Learn About Mount Olivet Cemetery Frederick Maryland's other city


The Power of Place
Steeped in community pride and American patriotism, Mount Olivet is considered one of the most beautiful and distinguished burial grounds in the country. The cemetery is located in historic Downtown Frederick, Maryland, and has provided final resting places for generations of residents over the last century and a half. Among the 40,000 interments, notable grave sites include those belonging to the man who wrote "The Star-Spangled-Banner" (our national anthem); one of the top female heroines of the American Civil War; and a leading figure in the American Revolution who would go on to serve as the first elected-governor of the State of Maryland.  

Within the gates and hallowed grounds, the cemetery is the keeper of thousands of stories and, likewise, "storied" lives. Mount Olivet remains a sacred place of remembrance, a place to mourn those we have loved, a place to seek inspiration and solace, and a place to celebrate life.

Our experienced staff is well-versed in providing service and care to families in need of immediate arrangements, along with those simply planning for the future (known commonly as pre-need planning or end-of-life planning).  We offer an array of interment options ranging from traditional in-ground burial to mausoleum and niche entombment. You will find that we possess the compassion and experience necessary to assist you with making the best decision for the services and products desired.

About: About

"The History of  Frederick County is not merely a local history. It is a history of men and events of national importance."

In 1910, author T.J.C. Williams wrote began the preface for his masterful work The History of Frederick County by stating:
The same can certainly be said about Frederick's most famous burying ground. Mount Olivet Cemetery has often been referred to as "Frederick's Other City." This is the eternal resting place of past politicians and preachers, noted business persons, lawyers, educators and inventors. Brave soldiers reside here in peaceful repose, far from their once "perilous fight." Common everyday people—men, women and children were laid to rest in Mount Olivet. They all represent the past "lifeblood" of our community, all connected as those who inhabited this special part of Maryland at one point or another within Frederick's 270+ year history.

For better or worse, these people impacted the Frederick (city and county) we know, love and cherish today. Many made lasting contributions to national and state history. Educators grew future minds to lead, while inventors built conveniences to improve existence and productivity. Others led humble lives as hard-working farmers, homemakers and mechanics. Some died tragically, far too young, before making their mark on the community or world. All the residents within Mount Olivet lived lives, ones that were equally important by impacting others be them students, constituents, customers or more importantly as parents, grandparents, sons, daughters, sisters, or brothers. 

Today, nearly 40,000 graves are occupied, rivaling the living population of our state capital of Annapolis. Eight miles of paved roadway criss-cross the spacious cemetery grounds, allowing for recreational usage by walkers, runners and cyclists acting in a reverent and respectable manner. In addition, the cemetery proudly welcomes history and art lovers, family genealogists, photographers and ​​"tombstone tourists" of all ages.


Mount Olivet Cemetery

A Place Like No Other

Choosing a Cemetery
​Most people prefer a place that is convenient for family visitations or where other family members already lie in repose. In general terms, choosing a place that’s close to your “roots,” if possible, is important. Everything considered, the best idea is to select a cemetery that has some meaning for you, and to reserve grave space sooner than later.

​Do the funeral home, church and cemetery need to be in close proximity? Not necessarily. With the mobility of people today, it’s not unusual for services and burial to be a continent apart. But, in most cases, it’s best to consider the survivors and others who will be part of the grieving process. If it’s possible, choose a viewing place, church and cemetery that are reasonably close together. Think particularly of elderly people who might be interested in saying final farewells. A good rule of thumb would be to have all three facilities within a half-hour’s drive of one another. Mount Olivet offers opportunities for traditional graveside and mausoleum entombment services, along with larger memorial services in two on-site locations, our Key Memorial Chapel and the Mausoleum Chapel.

​For more information on cemetery services and associated costs, contact or visit us today.


Cemetery Maps

With over 8 miles of paved roadway, traversing nearly 130 acres, locating a single grave site (out of nearly 40,000) is like finding the proverbial "needle in a haystack." Here are some tools to assist you with your search.


Interment Options

Learn more about the services and products that Mount Olivet Cemetery has to offer. Here you will find an array of interment options ranging from traditional in-ground burial to mausoleum crypt and niche entombment.
With a variety of options to choose from, we are here to help you make the best selection for you and your family.



We are  well-versed in providing service and care to families in need of immediate arrangements, along with those  proactively looking at their own future (pre-planning).

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