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About Mount Olivet Cemetery

With over 8 miles of paved roadway, traversing nearly 130 acres, finding one grave site out of nearly 40,000 is like searching for the proverbial "needle in the haystack." Mount Olivet is comprised of 36 distinct areas, each varying in number of cemetery lots.

​The early or "Old" portion of the cemetery is generally comprised of Lots A-R. The middle section of the cemetery hosts burials primarily performed in the first half of the twentieth century.  The "New," or back part of the cemetery, encompasses interments dating from the 1970s to present, including the Chapel Mausoleum Complex first erected in 1997. The TJ (Thomas Johnson) and FSK (Francis Scott Key) named areas were laid out in 2009 with the opening of the Monocacy and Potomac Mausoleum buildings.

The main entrance to Mount Olivet is located off South Market Street, the primary north-south business corridor through Downtown Frederick.  An additional entrance is located off Broadway Road.

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